Here is my list . I hope. It is 2:18 AM so I may lose count and get too many or lose count and not finish. If there is a long line of some letter or number you know my head has hit the keyboard as i fell asleep, finally.
Onto the list:
Ten Things Tuesday
Things About Spring I Like
Thanks for stopping by,

Things About Spring I Like
- The freshness of the air as it comes through my open windows. I can never wait for truly warm weather before opening my windows. I want that air right now. Just as the snow starts to melt. I like to air the house out and let Springtime in.
- The birds when they return to the bird feeders. We have seasonal birds here. Birds like robins, red-breasted grosbeaks, orioles, and hummingbirds. I know it is Spring when the birds have returned. Not all of them are here yet but it has been a cooler than normal Spring start and I figure that they know more than I do about the weather.
- The wild flowers coming up in the woods. The trillium and forget-me-nots are the first to bloom, The scent of the beautiful forget-me-nots is simply divine when it comes wafting in my open windows. I will post a picture of them later in the week when they really get into bloom.
- Traipsing into the field to find the wild asparagus . This tastes so much better than store bought it is amazing. We love the store bought but this time of year the wild asparagus is a true feast provided for us.
- Watching the animals making new homes. I was watching a squirrel today. He was housecleaning. He went into the hole in the tree and started throwing out old stuff that I guess was what made him comfy this winter. He was too far away to tell what exactly it was but there was a lot it being tossed out. After he finished that he scurried down the tree, was gone for a few minutes, and returned with a mouthful of something. He went into the hole and came back out a minute later and repeated the same process. This lasted for more than an hour. (I didn't have anything going on except to watch him build his 2010 home)
- Watching and waiting for the trees to green up. It is a daily happening. You get up in the morning and the trees leaves are just so and later on they are maybe a bit bigger. This is so true after a rain. You can almost watch the greening up as it happens.
- The transformation of the woods as Spring takes hold. The ground is no longer brown from all of last years leaves, it has started to also do it's greening up. The wild ferns are starting to show their stuff. They will be unfurling in the next couple of weeks. Once the ferns unfurl it seems like the woods comes totally alive and every where you look is green. It is hard to imagine but some of these ferns are almost 4 feet tall!
- Even though the animals that frequent our yard in the warm months are wild and therefore dangerous I still like to have them come in for a visit. Well maybe the skunks can stay away. We had a raccoon in the other night at about 6:oo pm. He was fat and sassy. We have heard a report from the neighbor that there is a bear in the neighborhood so I guess we will be seeing him soon too. Scary but exciting and exhilarating all at the same time.
- This is harder than I thought or maybe I am finally tired. Oh! The beginning of the garage sale season. We love to get in the car and just drive around looking for signs. We make a day of it. We take a thermos of coffee for in the morning. We stop for lunch most of the time. My husband takes his strong medication and can get in the car then and we always take extra in case he gets panicky being away from home so long. He is kind of stoned, well no kind of about it, he is flying high but this is the only way he can leave the house. But, oh how we love to go garage saling.
- I love that the sun comes early. My bedroom faces east and the sun wakes me every morning when it comes in my window. It is the best way to wake up. I also like the fact that is stays light longer at the other end of the day. I like that my days last longer in the warm months.
Thanks for stopping by,

Trudy, I enjoyed reading your list. I'm glad you joined in. You must REALLY live in the woods to have a bear lurking around...I agree with reasons for liking spring. The plants and animals are so pretty. I love to watch the animals, too. We are blessed to have the chance to do that.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog so much. Keep on writing...
Hi, Trudy,
ReplyDeleteI like Spring, too. That's what I did for my Ten Things Tuesday, also. I like your background!
Great list. Especially loved your squirrel story. I could just picture him dejunking his nest. Did you notice if he put out a Garage Sale sign? When you said he left for a while and came back w/ something in his mouth, I cracked up. I thought, "Just like me. Reward a bit of decluttering with a snack from Dunkins." :)
ReplyDeleteLove your background,too, and I might use this prompt.