Sunday, February 1, 2009


Yes, I have regrets. But don't we all?
My other posts have been on the serious side. So, this week I have decided to list my regrets but try and keep them on the lighter side, however, some may seem serious. And these are not in any order that determines the value or amount of the regret .
1. I regret ever having started smoking...for the obvious reasons.
2. I regret never learning how to swim...if I had maybe I wouldn't panic when the shower drain's more slowly than I think it should and there is water running over the top of my feet. And too maybe if I knew how to swim I wouldn't panic if my face gets wet in the shower. Yep, I am afraid of too much water at one time. I can't wash my hair in the shower so great is the fear. And swimming is supposed to be such great exercise.
3. I regret never learning how to tap dance. I don't have a rhythmic bone in my body but I would love to tap dance. You know when at a concert everyone puts their hands together? Well, I am always one beat off. But I still would like to tap dance.
4. I regret not having more children. One isn't enough.
5. I regret getting married. Well I guess that is serious but oh well.
6. I regret never going to college when I was young. I didn't go until I was 40. I had too many responsibilities at home to enjoy the experience, I was a work horse.
7. I regret giving away all of my canning supplies. I miss homemade applesauce.
8. I regret never becoming a hairdresser. I need a haircut desperately and can't afford to get one. But if I were a hairdresser I would know how to give myself one.
9. I regret never learning how to play the piano. I had 3 years worth of weekly lessons, and I practiced daily. I could only play pieces that I could recognize not because I could read the music. My teacher finally convinced me that I was throwing away my money. Now I am sorry that I gave up so easily.
10. I regret never learning how to drive a stick shift.
11. I regret buying a particular dress that hangs in my closet. It comes under the heading, "What were you thinking?" It has been there two years but I just can't seem to get rid of it. Maybe it is a reminder of what NOT to do while shopping.
12. I regret buying the treadmill that serves as a coat rack in my living room. I think a stationary bike would make a much more attractive coat rack.
OK I guess that is all. That's not so bad especially since some of these I can still do, and learn, and try.


  1. You are so right - some are hilarious, some are not quite so funny but you've written them all with great style. I particularly love the canning supplies giveaway - I reached that stage a while back AND I can't find the skittles game.

  2. I don't see one thing here that you cannot do now or teach yourself...maybe children are out of the question but mostly it is never too late. Ask me at 67...the learning has only begun.

