Monday, March 23, 2009

Where I Come From

I was going to say I come from a family that loves deeply.

I was going to say taht I come from a family that laughs often.

I was going to say that I come from a family that forgives always.

I was going to say I come from a family that works hard.

And all of that is true, but not the complete story of where I come from.

The person I am today is because of the family I come from, but the family I come from is because God gave them to me.

So, I must say that I come from God.

I am going wherever He leads me. I hope I can follow His plan for me, whatever it is. I hope I can have enough faith that I will understand his plan for me without concrete evidence of it.

I know that if I follow His lead I will become the person that He wants me to be. I will achieve all that he has set before me. I will have accepted all the challenges he has asked of me and been successful.

If I do all that, I will be the person He is proud to call Daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I read this one after I read the one you just wrote. I am glad you have God in your life. He will get you through this.
