I mentioned in a post about my loving boy cat,Randy, packing his little bag and leaving home. He has returned, but not in the same condition as he left. He doesn't seem to remember us. It is like he wants to remember, and yet he is aloof and withdrawn. So while we thankful to see him again, healthy and in one piece we are a bit confused as to what happened to him while he was travelling.
I had to say good-bye and farewell to my big ol' Tubby cat. He was 12 and weighed about 20 pounds. I don't know why he went to the Rainbow Bridge. He was fine on Sunday. His favorite neighbor came for a visit, and he jumped right up into her lap. He loved her so much. He liked to stick his nose up the sleeve of her shirt, right up to her arm pit. That was Sunday. Monday he was fine. Tuesday good. Wednesday morning he was in a coma. He passed over that afternoon.
I help him in my arms all day. Praying for a different outcome than the one I knew was coming. He took one last deep breath, I looked into his eyes and could tell he was gone. He was the best.
He is truly missed.
On May 25 one of the feral cats had babies. I knew where she was hiding her babies, but left them alone. The mommies are really protective as you can imagine. On July 12 I put food out for the ferals and saw her come to eat. That was at 7:15 AM, at 8:00 AM my husband found her dead in the road. There wasn't any blood on her, no broken bones, she looked as if she had just went to sleep in the road.
I went and got her babies. There were 3 of them. I called the vet and asked what to do. He gave me a recipe for milk replacement,and instructions to feed them every 2 hours. So began my sojourn into mothering 3 orphans. There were quite a few sleepless nights. The poor little dears just didn't know what to make of this strange looking mommy.

We knew we had to find homes for them, and one did go to my cousin. This was before Tub died. Even without talking about it the other two were here to stay. They had made this their home and into our hearts. The little Yellow one is named Butter Bean and the grey one we kept is Lentil.
I still miss Tub, and my heart is sore, but these little imps have helped to ease the hurt.
That is all I will write about them tonight, but one of the days soon I would like to tell you about Lentil's brave and miraculous fight of his life. I will have more pictures to post also.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope to be posting more often now that my life has settled down some.