Saturday, December 19, 2009

Six Word Saturday - December 19, 2009

Six Word Saturday
December 19, 2009

I am starting to feel OVERWHELMED.

I have a messy house, no cookies baked, a messy house, a whole day Monday away from home running errands, a messy house, no cookies baked, a messy house.
Did I mention I am overwhelmed?


  1. Deep

    lol, 'tis the season to be overwhelmed. We are so good at placing high expectations on ourselves and it's simply not possible to DO IT ALL. So what's more important to you right now: a clean house or homemade cookies? (personally, I'd opt for the cookies). Or maybe clean the main room people would see if they visit, and then bake cookies :-)

    While you ponder the options, remember to

  2. Not sure if you mentioned being overwhelmed but I seem to think maybe your house is messy. Do what's most important. It will get done and you shouldn't enjoy Christmas any less just because you tossed laundry in a hamper instead of putting it neatly away.

    Thanks for playing 6WS. Hope you accomplish much and are able to relax soon.

  3. It is an overwhelming time of year, but try to tell yourself that what doesn't get done just won't get done and it will still be okay. Hopefully your 6 words next Saturday will include a big sigh and words that say everything was fine.
